Friday, September 25, 2009

~ my art

This is 'Dreadlocks man' . I drew him the winter of 08 with charcoal. I love using charcoal!

This is an oil painting that I finished the day before my brain surgery! I did this painting at the Hidden Acres art school.

I made this pitcher on the pottery wheel. I love pottery! It is a lot of fun... I must say I think pottery is my favorite! I made this pitcher this summer.

This is another oil painting. I painted this is my backyard. It was a lot of fun with all the different and bright colors. I painted this in late June.

I don't exactly remember when I drew this... It was a while back. It is done in charcoal.

I drew this the winter of 08. Also charcoal!

This is a clay church I made this summer. It was a lot of fun to make this!

This is all the art for now... But there is more to come!


  1. Wow...Kara! You are quite an accomplished young artist. I am so glad to hear that your surgery went may not remember me and my family, but we remember you and are so grateful that you are doing well! -Sarah H.

  2. I remember you Sarah! How are you doing?

  3. You are so talented Kara! I like the second oil painting best.

    I gave you an award.

  4. Kara, I love all of your art but the pitcher is my favorite! I bet that was fun to make! ~ Julie

  5. Kara,
    These are all superb! The lighthouse is my favorite. I know you did not inherit any of your artistic talent from me!
    Aunt Sandi

  6. Wow that's soo cool! God has certainly gifted you!

  7. Kara, thats so cool! I love doing art, but I'm not nearly as talented as you are! Good job! ~Sarah from the E-writing club ;)
